Jag framför två sånger om oss pensionärer i coronatider, och ett poem. Den första sången handlar om faran för oss äldre att gå ut och gå. Den andra sången är en varning så att man undvika smittan. Sångerna skrevs ursprungligen av Thorbjørn Egner (1912-1990), och jag har uppdaterat texterna till nutid med nya texter. Dikten är skriven av min far, Matts Ridderstedt (1911-1975), och handlar om blomsterkransen i midsommardansen. Min prestation från Öland spelades in vid telefon av Frances Gill och producerades i hennes studio i skogen i Småland, eftersom jag självisolerar och dessutom bor “offline” - helt a capella så att säga! Jag ritade även bilden.
I perform two songs about us pensioners in the corona-times and a poem. The first song is about the dangers for us older folk of going out and about. The second song is warning about keeping social distance to avoid infection. These songs were originally composed by Thorbjørn Egner (1912-1990) which I have adapted with new text. The poem was written by my father, Matts Ridderstedt (1911-1975) and is about the slings of flowers ritually created for decoration, and also worn in the hair like a crown (krans in Swedish), in the midsummer dance. I performed the material over the telephone in Öland which was recorded by Frances Gill in the forests of Småland who then produced my contribution, since besides self-isolating, I live "off-line" - completely a cappella, you could say! I also drew the picture. N.B. For English speakers - I may have invented a new collective noun for flowers - which is SLING, like being thrown in the air and free, whilst being held and protected, in this context.